New Beginnings


New Beginnings


Availability: In stock
Style: Traditional solid wood with raised panels
Material: Wisconsin pine
Finish: Acrylic paints, latex-based house paint, Elmer's school glue, clear coat
Upholstery: Natural cotton
Interior (in): 76 3/8x 23 1/2 x 15
Exterior (in): 82 x 29 1/2 x 22

From the Artist, Christina Ireland of Ogema, WI

I'll be graduating with my bachelor's degree in May 2020. I was urged to pursue art by a plethora of teachers, friends, and family when I embarked on my college journey, but I decided to pursue a business degree instead and I am utilizing my business skills to promote my art. In the coming year, I will be promoting my art within the artistic community with which I most closely identify: haunted attractions. I am a visual artist at heart and I normally dabble in the macabre and the horror genre. My main focus is to make people feel something through my art, regardless of subject matter. I am a student entrepreneur and I'm apt to try something new whenever I get the chance.


I grew up with a lot of time in Wisconsin forests and the design of leaves, vines, and ferns really hailed to that time of youth and innocence in my life. My vision on the lid (the yellow ribbon and blue) came as an afterthought. I wanted the casket to be bright and colorful, which is where the sunset design in the background came from, but I pondered the lid for a long time because I didn't want the casket to be too feminine considering the colors in the sunset. When I came up with the ribbon, I was looking through the portfolios of my favorite tattoo artists and felt that a tie into the more cartoonish/vintage style really represented me.

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