



Availability: Call for availability
: Raised panel with solid wood handles
Material: Wisconsin cedar
Color: Natural
Finish: Water-based topcoat
Upholstery: Natural cotton
Interior (in): 76 3/8x 23 1/2 x 15
Exterior (in): 82 x 29 1/2 x 22

I Want One

The Way We Were.

Legend has it that Alexander the Great had a fleet of ships made from cedar planks. Regarded a sacred wood by many native cultures around the world, cedar wood has also been favored in furniture-building for its workability, aromatic appeal, and natural longevity.

I like cedar simply because it is a beautiful wood. Handcrafted and finished in natural oil, this casket emboldens the same characteristics that made heirloom furniture an heirloom in the 1500s.

Handcrafted from solid cedar trees that stood in north-central Wisconsin. Finished in natural oil and burnished by hand. Upholstered in natural unbleached cotton.

Plant it Forward.

Pledge to use any of our caskets in your end-of-life plan and we'll plant 100 trees at our next annual planting. Your pledge costs nothing and takes 5 minutes so Pledge today.